Tech Solutions-Products

Utility Payments, Recharges, ERP Solutions, Terminals, Touchscreens, Displays and Software Solutions - School Management, HR Management, Payment Solutions, SMS-eMail and Digital Promotionals

Terminal Service to provide ease of business

we provide the right hardware and software to match your requirement, to support your business strategy and to cater your needs. offering brings together combined suite of Hardware and Software with Admin acces, Dash board and report access.We scale up the requirement as you grow up.

Solutions for your Point of Sale

State-of-the-art terminals

Engage your customers and upgrade their checkout experiences with simpler, secure and more innovative ways to pay. We have developed a large range of terminal products to respond to your business needs and future plans whatever your sector, from in-store to outdoor: countertop, portable, mobile, unattended and much more.

Cross-border Acceptance & Acquiring

Accept major international and local payment methods with a standardised payment system, and reduce operational costs for cross-border payments.

Digital Store services

Deliver mobile purchasing experiences in-store and offer self-checkout and new seamless shopping experiences to your customers. Make your employees’ lives easier with digital tools to reduce administrative work and automate processes.

Customer loyalty

Increase customer loyalty and satisfaction by offering tailor-made solutions, including powerful purchasing experience and ability to borrow at competitive rates. Keep your customers loyal with reloadable gift cards, closed loop payments or existing loyalty programmes enhanced with new services.

Utility Bill payments as a ease service

Utility Bills payments is a regular and frequent requirment of all the users. Which are made easy accessible and instant payment to keep up the services uninterupted. Auto reminder and auto collection facility not to miss the due dates, Customer supportive and non-burden payment faicility. Transaction history and transaction control.


SMS Service

RIOMSG, a platform for campaign and SMS transmission service, we offer bulk Messaging for transactional, OTP and Campaign either in social media or in Telemarket mode. eays to integrate API with rechage and dashboard facility.

School Management Software

RIO School

Offering the best Cloud based effordable school management software. Having Student Enrollment, Teacher Management, Transport Management, Timetable and Examination scheduling, Transport Management, Online examination and student learning App all in one sigle suite software for any size of school, Online Fee Collection and Student Messagign.

HR Management Software


How Easilly HR Management and Payroll management can be handled will be showcase through RIOHR, a cloud based easly operatable and prorata cost basis effordable solution for all Employee management.